ludovic lauret: Les marais du Cotentin
beranekp: 2016-08-07 Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus Superior' - BG Praha Troja
Sultan Sultani: Barriers in Mouths European Robin
Fabien Baziz: Martin-pêcheur d'Europe Alcedo atthis - Common Kingfisher
pstenzel71: Ice in the Sun
wjm-photography: 1A1A1887
pstenzel71: Hydrangea in Winter Sun
peterwaller: Portland Head Lighthouse (Portland, Maine, USA) (5468+_Painterly LiteC
wjm-photography: IMG_4113
pstenzel71: Frozen Hydrangea
Sultan Sultani: Male Cooper’s Hawk
pstenzel71: Frozen Lantern
bpaige393: IMG_0901BW
holdinghausenm: Hütte am See - Cabin at the lake
gridmastergrady: Old truck decorated for the season
Laval Roy: 1.12400 Grallaire à front ocre / Grallaricula ochraceifrons / Ochre-fronted Antpitta / Tororoi de Frente Ocrácea
Bernard Gm Photo: Chapelle Saint Gabriel de Tarascon
bpaige393: Waterfall
bpaige393: Forgotten Copper Mine
bpaige393: Sable Falls
pstenzel71: Rosehips
danielled61: Soleil
Charlaine Jean: Renard roux - Parc national de La Jacques-Cartier / Red fox - Jacques-Cartier national park
pstenzel71: Barberry European Robin European Robin