pbertner: Physic nut stink bug (Pachycoris torridus?)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography: New Zealand Truffle (Paurocotylis pila) aka Scarlet Berry Truffle
pbertner: Plasmodial slime mold
Mrs.Snowman: Reflections
Viggo Johansen: Nesseby church - VJ1_3946
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Shield-backed Bug Nymphs (Plataspidae)
erlingsi: Speilet fjell -|- Mountains & sky
tom.mac: Loch Skiach & bothy with Creag Lochie beyond, Kinnaird Estate, Perthshire.
smir_001: Neptune's horses
Mrs.Snowman: A little touch of winter
Vincent L°: Crepidotus sp.
clickclique: Affects of Hurricane Gurt-Explored
Renée Lebeuf: Polypore inconnu
erlingsi: Sandmaleren -|- Painting in sand
Rana Pipiens: Frilly Pure White. Alsobia dianthiflora, White Lace Flower, Hortus Botanicus, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Fadmaa: become a blackberry....
Julie from Wexford: Nemesia Wisley Vanilla
Shotaku: Purple loosestrife
Rana Pipiens: Orange-Hearted. Tulbaghia sp., Wild Garlic, Hortus Botanicus, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
smir_001: Male Tufted Duck on the move
tom.mac: Dryas octopetala (Mountain Avens)~on the climbing dunes.
unicorn123 :-): On the way to Holy Island (Lindisfarne)
smir_001: Small Dusty Wave
Shotaku: Let's Dance Moonlight hydrangea
Shotaku: Daylily center
Shotaku: curly blooms
pbertner: Mushroom 1
pbertner: Fungus 4
smir_001: October motives: Acers of the Old Westonbirt