DeeDee Gollwitzer:
First Year Oyster Catcher
Deb's Artography:
Hari K Patibanda:
A Cotton Pygmy Goose in flight over a large lake
Hari K Patibanda:
A Red Breasted Flycatcher on the edge of a city lake
sandra bourgeois:
Grand héron - Great blue heron
Hari K Patibanda:
A Purple Sunbird in eclipse plumage preening in the bushes
Hari K Patibanda:
A Greater Sand Plover in flight over sandbanks
Eric Gofreed:
American avocet-09716-Edit
Hari K Patibanda:
A River Tern in flight over a shallow lake
Hari K Patibanda:
A Rare Lesser Kestrel foraging in the dry lake bed
titi bertein:
Collection d'argentiques
titi bertein:
L'essentiel 😍
Matt Stratmoen:
Black-throated Gray Warbler
Matt Stratmoen:
Black-throated Gray Warbler
Bob Hurrell Wildlife:
Female Stonechat.
Eric Gofreed:
Rufous Hummingbird
Bright sun in September
Shari McCollough Nature Photography:
Harris's Sparrow
Golden-crowned Kinglet