Rudy578: Golden Eagle
Rudy578: Cooper's Hawk
Rudy578: Say's Phoebe
Rudy578: Golden Eagle
Rudy578: Common Goldeneye
Rudy578: Red-tailed Hawk reacting to White-tailed Kite's Harasshments
Rudy578: Northern Harrier
Rudy578: Western Meadowlark
Rudy578: American Wigeon
Rudy578: Cinnamon Teals
Rudy578: Burrowing Owl
Rudy578: Cooper's Hawk
Rudy578: Golden Eagle
Rudy578: Golden Eagle, juvenile
Rudy578: Rock Wren
Rudy578: Northern Harrier
Rudy578: Red-shouldered Hawk
Rudy578: Cooper's Hawk
Rudy578: Golden Eagle
Rudy578: Burrowing Owl
Rudy578: Burrowing Owl
Rudy578: Great Egret
Rudy578: Burrowing Owl
Rudy578: Ring-necked Pheasant
Rudy578: Red-tailed Hawk
Rudy578: Burrowing Owl
Rudy578: Northern Harrier
Rudy578: Townsend's Warbler
Rudy578: Great Blue Heron
Rudy578: Cormorant with fish