Gf220warbler: White-throated Sparrow
Gf220warbler: White-throated Sparrow
tfells: L0A2216-Common Yellowthroat
Joyce Waterman: Townsend's Warbler
Joyce Waterman: Calliope Hummingbird - 'Selasphorus calliope'
SnappyMac: Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus)
bobmullen777: Forster's Tern 4-10-2024
philippe.s.: A Palm Warbler (Yellow, nonbreeding/immature)
DaveSticker: Stinging Rose
Alexandre Van der Yeught: Anarta myrtilli - Beautiful Yellow Underwing
Gf220warbler: Common Nighthawk
Gf220warbler: Common Nighthawk
miketrdunn: Vesper Sparrow-27
miketrdunn: Vesper Sparrow-28
Scotty7949e: Brown Creeper DXO
Scotty7949e: Brown Creeper DXO
IshranI: Upland sandpiper
IshranI: Lensbaby - Composer Pro II and Double Glass II Optic with + 4 diopter
Hamilton Images: Ringed Kingfisher at Sunset
CherylsBirds: Common Yellowthroat
calpal2010: Downy Woodpecker on Gnarled Tree Trunk
calpal2010: Hermit Thrush Flying Away
GrackleFinder277: Red Knot juvenile
GrackleFinder277: Red Knot juvenile
CherylsBirds: Palm Warbler
lindaverhoog: white faced ibis
lindaverhoog: turkey vulture
Gf220warbler: Black-headed Grosbeak
Gf220warbler: Black-headed Grosbeak
Michael W Potter: Eurasian Wigeon male