Mr Kes: Peacock butterfly full front into the bramble
Mr Kes: Meadow Brown full advantage of the sun
Mr Kes: Stonechat (male) watching
Mr Kes: Hello
Mr Kes: Dartford Warbler Summer Evening
Mr Kes: Buzzard flying over the wheat fields
Mr Kes: A happy ending
Mr Kes: Emerald damselfly enjoying the sunshine
Mr Kes: Canada Goose drying its wings
Mr Kes: Hybrid goose Golden Light
Mr Kes: Large White butterfly enjoying buddleja nectar
Mr Kes: It’s been a tough year.
Mr Kes: Stonechat in the Golden Hour again
Mr Kes: Stonechat in the Golden Hour
Mr Kes: Common blue late Summer
Mr Kes: Tropical butterfly
Mr Kes: Jersey Tiger Moth gets into the Echinacea
Mr Kes: Small Copper Summer Sunshine
Mr Kes: Peacock enjoying flowers
Mr Kes: Jersey Tiger Moth wings out
Mr Kes: Roebuck is a little surprised
Mr Kes: Green veined white butterfly munching away
Mr Kes: Jersey Tiger Moth getting some nectar innit
Mr Kes: Rose Chafer Beetle enjoying Echinacea
Mr Kes: Red Admiral butterfly loving the buddleja bush
Mr Kes: Small Copper Butterfly in summer
Mr Kes: Marsh Tit Juvenile in the woods
Mr Kes: Yellowhammer in the bush
Mr Kes: Cinnabar Moth big stretch
Mr Kes: Cinnabar Moth on the bramble again