Ruby 2417: Pipevine Swallowtail Butterfly
Ruby 2417: A Little Bullfrog
Ruby 2417: Fireweed Flower
Ruby 2417: Blue Dasher Dragonfly
Ruby 2417: Clouds over Mono Lake
Ruby 2417: I saw a Hummingbird taking a Birdbath!
Ruby 2417: White-Winged Dove, close up.
Ruby 2417: I'm assured this is a Chinese Sweetpod plant, not a species of air-breathing lamprey or an alien egg sac.
Ruby 2417: The Dahlia Garden
Ruby 2417: Mylitta Crescent Butterfly
Ruby 2417: Male California Quail
Ruby 2417: The Sawtooth Ridge, of the eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains
Ruby 2417: Yellow Warbler
Ruby 2417: Dahlia Garden
Ruby 2417: Female Striped Meadowhawk Dragonfly
Ruby 2417: Nuttall's Woodpecker
Ruby 2417: Finally - Butterflies!
Ruby 2417: Dragonfly Buffalo Shot!
Ruby 2417: The Fuschia Dell
Ruby 2417: The rare Sierra Blue Butterfly!
Ruby 2417: Deadly Nightshade Flowers
Ruby 2417: Yellow-Headed Blackbird
Ruby 2417: Widow Skimmer Dragonfly
Ruby 2417: Western Wood-Pewee
Ruby 2417: Behr's Hairstreak Butterfly (and friend)
Ruby 2417: A Raven making a Kissy Face?
Ruby 2417: A shaft of sunlight hit the Truckee Marsh
Ruby 2417: Swimming Bullfrog
Ruby 2417: Four-Spotted Skimmer Dragonfly
Ruby 2417: One of California's odder wildflowers: Pine Drops