tokyobogue: Cool tones
mcleepuff: Creepy Doll
mcleepuff: Waterloo Village Historic Site
mcleepuff: Cold Pigeon
mcleepuff: Waterloo Village Historic Site
GuyC: Blimp
mcleepuff: Critters at the Bronx Zoo
mcleepuff: Critters at the Bronx Zoo
mcleepuff: Critters at the Bronx Zoo
Benn Gunn Baker: Bleeding heart dove
Snowshoe Photography - Alaska: Spruce Grouse in the snow
Akif Kaynak: Lake Fyans
benmet47: Manchester (3037)
jac malloy: Wood Rat
jac malloy: White Morph/Reddish Egret
mhoffman1: Midnight
daizo sato: DSC03556
greensteves: Hovering Kite
salorca2: Sobre nubes
rve13: Solar Halo
fotophotow: Stool in Light
longanjiang: Alcippe morrisonia / Morrison's Fulvetta (sisil)
Bio. Milch.: cloud atlas
Marek Palicka: Circus cyaneus - moták pilich - Hen harrier
Marie Salmeron-Serrano: The lighthouse 2
Photographics__: DSC_45171
DL_Dietz: Eastern Chipmunk #4 - 2020-08-22
Miss-Louly (Thanks for the 2,4 millions views): Stretching ou... équilibre sur une patte 😉... (à voir en grand > touche L)