Rayladur: Marouette de Caroline - Sora
backyardzoo: Tri-colored Heron
Fat Burns ☮: lagoon creek - white-necked heron
Nina_Ali: Falcon in Diabat, Morocco!
ldjaffe: _7150933 Purple Finch
naturethroughanikon: Puffin with baby Puffling emerging from the burrow
billoddie3: Tawny Owl. Strix Aluco
javisalcedo1989: Colimbo de Adams - Yellow-billed Loon - Gavia adamsii
SnappyMac: Coot (Fulica atra) - Juvenile
pspnature: Brown Hare
Schocken Photography: Peregrine Falcon Fledgling (Explored, July 16, 2024)
rogercollorick: Great spotted woodpecker
drbut: Green Woodpecker juve
Tim Melling: Beluga Happy Face
jeremy_cohen: Western kingbird
anthonynixon17: Great Spotted Woodpecker.
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Eurasian Jay (URN: 2557)
marieroy0808: Moqueur Polyglotte - Northern Mockingbird
NickWakeling: Sedge Warbler
ddlane0708: Kingfisher..
davolly59: Grey Heron
legoman1691: Common tern on yet another rainy day
sherrihendricks98: Watching The Day Go By
jenny_usherwood: Saltee Islands
robin denton: Young Kestrel calling to be fed
sherrihendricks98: Lost In Thought
sherrihendricks98: Little Blue, Lotta Green
fresco photos: Prise de bec
Kevin B Agar: Greenfinch, Chloris chloris
Ann and Chris: A bird in the garden