NIGHT X NIGHT Photography:
Don't Be Foolish
..breathe easy, step lightly..
Richard R. Powell:
Mist Rising
Thorshühnchen (Phalaropus fulicaria)
Richard R. Powell:
Winter Sun
Eichelhäher am Futterhaus
NASA Johnson:
Flight Day 17: Earth in Sight
NASA Johnson:
A set of four CubeSats are released above Namibia
Schlosspark Eutin: Lindenallee Richtung Großer Schweriner See - Eutin Castle Park: Linden Allée, looking towards the Great Lake Eutin
NASA Johnson:
Flight Day 20: Orion and Our Moon
NASA Johnson:
Flight Day 20: Orion Captures Earth After Lunar Flyby
Peter Quinn1:
Blue Tit on Blackthorn
cbiii designs:
Looking back down from where we came - explored
Martina Miholić:
event horizon
Sleeping Longhorn Bees
Multi-observatory views of M74
Day Lily, Vicious Guardian
Halberstadt: Nordseite des Rathauses. Bis in die 1990-er Jahre gab es keins der Gebäude an dieser Stelle, nur einen riesigen Parkplatz - North side of the Town Hall. Until the 1990s, there existed no building at this site, only an enormous parking lot.
Richard R. Powell:
Paul D McCarthy:
Off the Beaten Path
Richard R. Powell:
This Soft Close Distance
Kevin M. Gill:
Moon - January 8 2022