Stan Smucker: End of the Road
Alan Gutsell: Cattle Egret
Alan Gutsell: Red-tailed Hawk
Alan Gutsell: White Ibis
Alan Gutsell: White Ibis-Brazos
dwb838: Northern Cardinal on snow covered evergreen
backyardzoo: Red-shouldered Hawk
backyardzoo: Brown Pelican
backyardzoo: Squadron of Brown Pelican
niggyl :): Watermusic
Ian Robin Jackson: Cyanistes caeruleus - Blue Tit
Antonio Lorenzo Terrés: Correlimos tridáctilo
Top Lens Photography: Seaham Lighthouse Swim
John Arthur Thompson: Eurasian Hoopoe (Upupa epops)
birdmanron: Great Northern Diver Yorkshire England
birdmanron: Grey Plover Yorkshire England
neilhilton65: Middle-spotted Woodpecker
Greatoutdoorman: Coming in to feed
jwsteffelaar: 673H1685 Collared Trogon (f), Trogon collaris
Charlaine Jean: Lagopède des saules - Willow Ptarmigan
Alexandre Milan: Rhinocéros blancs - White rhinoceros
ecwillet: pileated woodpecker
ecwillet: short-eared owl
Gaetan Bois: France - Aveyron - Plateau de l'Aubrac
niggyl :): Another Day
Alan Gutsell: Hippopotamus
Alan Gutsell: Long-tailed Fiscal
Alan Gutsell: Martial Eagle
Alan Gutsell: Pied Kingfisher
Alan Gutsell: Rufous-naped Lark