The Pastor's Photography: Juliano Zoo Trip -2140960
sacalevic: Holy Russia, Holy Moscow Architecture, Cupolas of Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral & Bell tower of Novospassky Monastery, Krestyanskaya Square, Tagansky district. Православнаѧ Црковь.
boblecram: Mme MARTIN Jeune Bihoreau gris - Young Black-crowned Night-heron - Nycticorax nycticorax
SpikeFiftyOne: Windswept Sunset
j.dominguez.q: AUTUMNAL MOOD.
pete.austin56: Baileys Harbor Upper Rangelight
johannebedard: -23 celcius
PMcGreavy: Island in the Inversion
(bbarsalo): Fumerole volcanique au lever du soleil / Volcanic Smoke at Sunrise (2)
marjanrad: Cancún, City in Mexico.
Sue Milks (gone birding): Bengal Bushlark (Plocealauda assamica) - 20150123-01
dweible1109: OMFD Sunset
RD David P: Clouds & Sea
allen ramlow: Colorado_443
philippedaniele: Interlude de Noel....
Carl Vanassche: IMG_7210 (2)
Ramiot de Prévost, Qc, Can.: Junco Sous-espèce Oreganus
Carl Vanassche: IMG_8955
traveller_from_Germany: ready for a break.....
John's Photo Philosophy: The Old Mill (Film)
marcbenezech: image du jour; grèbe a cou noir .
Phil Marion (235 million views - THANKS): -17° C temps BEFORE the wind chill factor. I was greeted to sea smoke over the frigid waters of Lake Ontario.
Phil...H: Clubhouse.
dave p brecks: Collard dove.