marjanrad: Cancún, City in Mexico.
marjanrad: Louvre Museum, Paris.
marjanrad: Halfmoon Bay. CA.
marjanrad: Halfmoon Bay.CA.
marjanrad: از تو چه پنهان عاشقت بودم، از دل نه از سلول سلولم، با تو جهانم تازه تر مي شد، از روزهاي طبق معمولم….
marjanrad: Sunset by the sea—where colors and waves speak in silence…. Redwood Shores. CA.
marjanrad: ‘Yalda’ the longest and darkest night of the year…
marjanrad: University of Tehran
marjanrad: Cafe Char.
marjanrad: Mystery….
marjanrad: Long beach.CA.
marjanrad: Trojan Point. San Francisco.CA.
marjanrad: Mill valley.CA. ‘Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it.’
marjanrad: Samoa beach, CA.
marjanrad: Samoa beach, CA.
marjanrad: Keep calm because love always finds a way…
marjanrad: Your love is like the light in the window that guides me home ….
marjanrad: Hawaii-Maui Island
marjanrad: San jose.CA.
marjanrad: اشتیاقی که به دیدار تو دارد دل مندل من داند و من دانم و دل داند و منخاک من گل شود و گل شکفد از گل منتا ابد مهر تو بیرون نرود از دل من
marjanrad: For woman, life, freedom….#WomenLifeFreedom
marjanrad: We can always be chasing the sun….
marjanrad: When the roots are deep there is no reason to fear the wind…
marjanrad: Heisler park. San Diego. CA.
marjanrad: Ocean View Hikes in Pacifica, CA.
marjanrad: Happy birthday to you!
marjanrad: Haleakalā. Volcano Maui Hawaii.