www.stevenwitteveen.com: Red fox returning with a mouse
Bill McDonald 2016: Black Swallowtail Butterfly
MyKeyC: Wild Horses at Sunset
Daniel Parent: Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant
BergeyTown: This Pileated came in and out on a dime. Nice to see, after hearing it so often.
MyKeyC: Pileated Family
MedicineMan4040: Always the nemesis
MyKeyC: Wood Duck Takeoff-Social Media-2
CR Courson: Making Baby Ducks
Joe Branco: Eastern Meadowlark
Don't Mess With Jim: 2021-03-100-Dragonfly in Alkali Flat Hot Spring-28-Black and White
Bill McDonald 2016: American Robin
Gary Grossman: Synchronized Flying
Phiddy1: Hooded merganser (m)
Alex Borbely: STEELHEAD "Rainbow Trout"
BergeyTown: A car streaks over the bridge.
Daniel Sziklai G.: Pequén. Athene cunicularia. Burrowing Owl
MyKeyC: Swallow-tailed Kite-Social Media-2
Daniel Parent: Roadside Hawk
www.studebakerstudio.com: Purple Gallinule Walking on Water
Matthias.Kahrs: Drosseluferläufer (Actitis macularius)
www.stevenwitteveen.com: Black-tailed Godwit
T@hir'S Photography: Ballet dance
Gord Sawyer: Long-eared Owl
Alex Borbely: BARRED OWL