Tom Ramsey: Getting the Shot
theeverlastinggreenbean: Sierra Sunrise
Atreides59: Attrape-moi si tu peux
clickraa: _RZ98827
clickraa: _RZ98717
andysae: Mockingbird 3
Alberto Guillen1: Blooming Beauty
Michael Loyd 1: Marbled Godwits Racing in Courtship Ritual
Doug's Graphics: 2023_06_18_108838
Doug's Graphics: 2023_06_18_108871
Marie Brown Cottage Garden: Blue Heron on Pond
Cláudio Dias Timm: Formigueiro-de-taoca (Hafferia fortis fortis) macho Hirondelle rustique - Barn swallow Pointe-Pelée Ontario Mai - May 2023
Greg Paul 69: Asian Lady Beetle
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Tricolored Heron
Photos By JM: Land Ahoy
Doug Greenberg: Redpoll
Claire Dumont et Pierre Rainville: Paruline noir et blanc / Black-and-white Warbler / (Mniotilta varia)
Doug's Graphics: 2023_06_18_108795
sherrihendricks98: A Sea Of Green
Gf220warbler: Brown-headed Cowbird.
Gf220warbler: Brown-headed Cowbird.
Mike_FL: Burrowing owl ,male
wsmears: Dog Head Clouds
Snixy_85: Brown Thrasher
material guy: common yellowthroat