nreuck: IMG_1456bw
mdd {stephanie lynn}: sorry... repeat... just some different pp...
Sara Jane Photography: IMG_9186-Edit
Charlotte Geary: Ringbearer in ceremony
lisaschafferphoto: groomsmen with groom
Corey Ann: Lauren + Andrew
digitalis_maximus: _SH61510-Edit
Kyle Weller: The Groom
D Bates: Blue's Clues Cake
{heather}: Day 81/365 Curve: The loveliest distance between two points.
meandertail: Wisteria on the side of the road
adamobailey: Merry christmas
poesie: mosaic - VIOLET*
Wade Griffith: Head Over Head In Love
monicazibutis: IMG_0501 copy
DarbiG: C All that matters