Ashley McNamara Photography: I see what you did there @shopify #GitShitDone
Ashley McNamara Photography: Best coloring book ever!
Ashley McNamara Photography: When your friend knows you're having a shit time and sends you a treasure box. #FeelingLoved
Ashley McNamara Photography: When you're feeling fat, but your hair is cute.
Ashley McNamara Photography: #BilboWaggins is majestic af
Ashley McNamara Photography: Sad because he got kicked out of .@billysonburnet by an extra rude bartender. #NotDogFriendly
Ashley McNamara Photography: That time I met Mark Cuban and didn't get in the photo. 😤
Ashley McNamara Photography: Photo of the day at #SXSW
Ashley McNamara Photography: The tradeshow floor at #SXSW interactive is awesome!
Ashley McNamara Photography: What a nice surprise. A gift card from Scully the pug. Thank you - Danny, Emily, & Scully!
Ashley McNamara Photography: Screen Shot 2016-02-02 at 12.54.42 PM
Ashley McNamara Photography: First #PancakeBot creation! I need to work on batter consistency, but so far so good!
Ashley McNamara Photography: OMG My #PancakeBot has arrived!
Ashley McNamara Photography: I kind of wanted to take my finger x-rays.
Ashley McNamara Photography: Poor pinky. Could be worse, I guess.
Ashley McNamara Photography: This sandwich almost killed me, but I kind of want another one.
Ashley McNamara Photography: That light. ❤️
Ashley McNamara Photography: The first photo was taken 17 weeks ago. 😳
Ashley McNamara Photography: Let's play a game, it's called, what color will Ashley's hair be next week? This week it's peacock.
Ashley McNamara Photography: Me and my copilot. #BilboWaggins
Ashley McNamara Photography: #BilboWaggins "Free Kisses" scarf was a hit at the mall today.
Ashley McNamara Photography: Someone is excited about his first #BarkBox! #BilboWaggins
Ashley McNamara Photography: On our way to Dallas! #BilboWaggins #sheepadoodle
Ashley McNamara Photography: My little quadcopter flyer.
Ashley McNamara Photography: Oh hai... #BilboWaggins
Ashley McNamara Photography: I did a thing... Purple hair don't care.
Ashley McNamara Photography: I did a thing... Purple hair don't care.
Ashley McNamara Photography: The number of awesome places to eat in Austin is staggering. #EastSideKing