Joelene Mills Photographer: Sigh such a pretty girl!
Joelene Mills Photographer: Thanks for the treat Nial!! You are the best!
Joelene Mills Photographer: View from my pillow. I see no reason to leave my need this morning...
Joelene Mills Photographer: Hanging out with my uber cool family!
Joelene Mills Photographer: I ALSO <3 having DD!!! Is a night full of <3's!!
Joelene Mills Photographer: I <3 pub drinks too!!
Joelene Mills Photographer: Oh my!! I <3 pub food!!!
Joelene Mills Photographer: Even hand tools make me nervous... I should be sitting in a cafe sipping iced tea, not in a scary place like this!!
Joelene Mills Photographer: Power tools scare me...
Joelene Mills Photographer: Sal is building me a window herb garden for mother's day!
Joelene Mills Photographer: So excited! And surprisingly easy!!
Joelene Mills Photographer: Channeling my inner @dannabowes and making fresh pasta sauce!
Joelene Mills Photographer: Chillin' with @jenifersander !!
Joelene Mills Photographer: And we are off!!!
Joelene Mills Photographer: I truly am lucky to be surrounded by the most amazing people! Thank you Kari of Plum Tree Images for this wonderful surprise! You made my day.
Joelene Mills Photographer: Congrats Ashley and Clayton!!!!
Joelene Mills Photographer: OMG... I walked into a Die Hard Movie! With the perfect cast, I'm telling you I'm afraid...... Very afraid..
Joelene Mills Photographer: A dinner too pretty to eat!!
Joelene Mills Photographer: Checking in at #YYJ
Joelene Mills Photographer: Last romantic dinner with hubs in Victoria... Figured I would reduce my carbon foot print at the same time...
Joelene Mills Photographer: All appies for lunch!!! Yum.
Joelene Mills Photographer: Spreading my final morning on vacation having coffee with hubs and watching the rowers train.... I like it here.
Joelene Mills Photographer: I'm on SAILBOAT!!!!!
Joelene Mills Photographer: Thank you Jennifer!!
Joelene Mills Photographer: Bye bye Van!!!! Good times today, but I'm on a boat now, so farewell"