{heather}: Day 96/365... It's Official!
{heather}: Day 95/365 Polka dots make me smile
{heather}: Day 94/365 kickin it old school
{heather}: Day 93/365 I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round...
{heather}: Day 92/365 Because, sometimes you just have to play the part.
{heather}: Day 91/365 Con·tem·pla·tive
{heather}: Day 90/365 Out & about!
{heather}: Day 89/365 Vitamin C
{heather}: Day 88/365 Nothing comes between me & my Calvin
{heather}: Day 87/365 =(
{heather}: Day 86/365... 7 weeks 3 days
{heather}: Day 85/365 The mystery lies behind the curtain...
{heather}: Day 84/365 She is running to stand still
{heather}: Our easter bunny was very, umm... handsome.
{heather}: The beauty of friends.
{heather}: The girls.
{heather}: Went to Photokat's & all I got was this damn photo.
{heather}: Day 83/365 Fun with flickr friends
{heather}: Day 82/365... Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known. ~ Oscar Wilde
{heather}: #1 on EXPLORE... Whoo Hoo!
{heather}: Day 81/365 Curve: The loveliest distance between two points.
{heather}: Day 80/365 I've got mail.
{heather}: While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about. ~ Unknown
{heather}: The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again
{heather}: Day 79/365 Natural Blonde
{heather}: Day 78/365 Rainbow Brite sends her love
{heather}: Day 77/365... I wonder how much it would take to buy a soap bubble, if there were only one in the world.
{heather}: Day 76/365 Mothers little helper...
{heather}: Day 75/365 Feel the warmth
{heather}: Day 74/365 A little me time