Jan 130: My Beautiful Marnie
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: The camera is, at it's root, a complex recording device. It is a mirror to the world - and a reasonably efficient machine for making images copies of the world it reflects....
Norbert Wegner: Kibbelsteg Hamburg
Kanga-Lorraine: Bringing In The Sheep
Andreas Mundt ( roquesgallery ): Guten Morgen Hamburg......
Norbert Wegner: Abendstimmung im Hamburger Hafen
Ashley1954: I shall be forever young....
yabberdab: Autumn Reine
yabberdab: Sakrisøya
vdgoltz: Hamburg Landungsbrücken3
yorkiemimi: gone sailing
Klaus Kehrls: Dockland - 17032102
Jasper's Human: Dogs Playing Poker (45/52)
bethrosengard: Night Light
Pentax K1: Viermastbark Peking zurück in Hamburg MABA5514
petra.foto busy busy busy: Die Peking trifft Elphi
Heiko Röbke: back again!
txmx 2: -
txmx 2: -
Simple_Sight: Elphi & ship (explored)
john lunt: Baby Bluey ...
leendert3: Lion Cub
Klaus Kehrls: Alsterpanorama
rldrummond: Splendid Fairy-wren - Cooyerdoo, South Australia
helenehoffman: Wu Bear
thor_mark : Wild as Heck! (Katmai National Park & Preserve)