Phil Gower Bird Photography: Short-eared Owl (URN: 2373)
irelaia: A quizzical look
CR Courson: Merlin
Mick Erwin: Rainy Day Vixen Fox
Álvaro Bautista: Aguilucho Cenizo.jpg
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Golden Eagle (URN: 1395)
Jarek S. "Jerry": Little bittern
alison_sparrow: Pine Marten
@macro_action: Sorry for all the insects, it's for a project
andywilson1963: Pine Marten
Shane Jones: White tailed eagle
andywilson1963: Sparrowhawk
odogy: Long-eared owl
Michel Roesink: Groene specht / European green woodpecker / Picus viridis
@macro_action: Don't talk wet
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Marsh Harrier (URN: 2058)
Alan McCluskie: Fox family from May23
Roeselien Raimond: The Red, White and Blue - Red Fox in white wintery
neilhilton65: Golden Eagle
Nigey2: Fox cub
nicole le roy91: Incredible Dunnock !A great moment for me
@macro_action: I can be your Superman