thobern1: Lac Leman. /. Genfer See
thobern1: Rat (ou souris ?) au Lac Leman /Ratte (oder Maus?) am Genfer See
Harald Steeg: Passiflora
der bischheimer: Vor dem Unwetter
FocusPocus Photography: Is it still raining ?
FocusPocus Photography: Awful weather again today !
Elisabeth patchwork: first roses this year
gimbild2019: Blüten 240521-016
Lens and Shutter: The colorful world of a garden center.
Lens and Shutter: Walking along the tree lane with red flowers.
Lens and Shutter: Grasses grazing horses
a.holger69: Schwertlilie
David Hamments: A Tale of a Tail
Paolo Bonassin: Sunrise 2
Paolo Bonassin: Sunrise 4
Paolo Bonassin: Sunrise 3
ricardocarmonafdez: Contemplation
Sockenhummel: Praktischer Parkplatz
neurodoc2010: come with me...
Magdeburg: Egeln bei Magdeburg
Chrisrumma: Wisdom (Weisheit)
Snuffy: Intermediate Bearded Iris, Starwoman, Laking Garden, Royal Botanical Garden, RBG, Hamilton, ON
NaturalLight: Prelude to Storm
scorpion (13): Tulips Flowers in my Garden
DomLeTrappeur: Four à Bois...
lortopalt: The old abandoned mine.
lortopalt: The old abandoned mine.