neurodoc2010: warmth in the cold...
neurodoc2010: january impression
neurodoc2010: Tree in the sky
neurodoc2010: fog bow
neurodoc2010: Listen to the sound of your soul
neurodoc2010: sax and soul
neurodoc2010: Makiko Hirabayashi and Thomy Andersson
neurodoc2010: Life and light
neurodoc2010: Between the years
neurodoc2010: merry christmas...
neurodoc2010: a Robin encounter
neurodoc2010: in the morning sun
neurodoc2010: Group photography in the Amarylis cosmos
neurodoc2010: Heidi Pixner…
neurodoc2010: search the light...
neurodoc2010: The rising
neurodoc2010: Anna Kaczmarek-Karandarishvili...
neurodoc2010: colors for a dark day
neurodoc2010: MyFlickrYear
neurodoc2010: dragonfly in the reed
neurodoc2010: winter sugar
neurodoc2010: catcher of the light
neurodoc2010: thursday is the day before the day before weekend
neurodoc2010: Warmth in cold times
neurodoc2010: Traumreise
neurodoc2010: vibrating light in the dark
neurodoc2010: resting kingfisher
neurodoc2010: some light for dark days
neurodoc2010: stillness