Dhina A: wildflowers
*ines_maria: … beneaththestreets…
AlanHowe :): Blyth Lighthouse
K-PIXEL-N: Bussard > < Buzzards (Buteo)
K-PIXEL-N: Blümchenwiese an der Ostsee (DK) > < Flower meadow by the Baltic Sea (DK)
K-PIXEL-N: Weißstörche > < white storks (Explore)
ian_inverarity: The comet, satellites removed!
ian_inverarity: Goodbye to C/2024 G3 ATLAS, for me at least!
AlanHowe :): Roker Lighthouse
K-PIXEL-N: ein Tag neigt sich dem Ende
stefan.dragomir.ene: Hohnstein, Germany
ian_inverarity: Headless but still good!
andrzej.rybczynski: Eisvogel Zimorodek (Alcedo atthis), Braunschweig, Hondelage 2015
Lindi m: Another New Day
Kitty Kono: Eye Contact with Mrs. Harrier
K-PIXEL-N: männliche Goldammer > < yellowhammer (Emberiza citronella)
judymtomlinson: Bald Eagle 06
Samuel L Wright: Red-Tail Hawk looking around.
cvstrever10: Portrait of an Eagle
DeirdreYrD: Red Kite
marijke b.: Carl Sagan
chmeermann | www.chm-photography.com: Invisible Men (Oculus #4)
Chas Moonie-Wild Photography: Marsh Harrier Male
artbetweenthephonelens: Die drei Schwestern ... oder Köln am Abend
Rashid §uleman: Köln am Rhein
Karl-Heinz Bitter: Kaiserkranich
Martin_Heigan: The Vela Supernova Remnant (Gum 16)
Martin_Heigan: Comet C/2021 A1 Leonard
Martin_Heigan: The Chamaeleon Cloud (IC 2631)