ctodd0275: Springfield. MO
ctodd0275: Ozark, MO
ctodd0275: Ozark, MO
boonloke: SCREECHER
sherrihendricks98: Sporting A Bit Of Jewelry
Don Cassel: American Robin picking berries.
Dirk Hessels: Avocet | Kluut | Säbelschnäbler, (Recurvirostra avosetta)
Dirk Hessels: Avocet | Kluut | Säbelschnäbler, (Recurvirostra avosetta)
boonloke: JOY!
boonloke: ELABORATE
beverlykaytw: Immature Yellow-crowned Night Heron
boonloke: JUMBO
jan-loup: Grèbe castagneux / Tachybaptus ruficollis / Little Grebe
Through The Big Lens: Red breasted sapsucker
gilgit2: Altai Accentor (Prunella himalayana)
gilgit2: Red-fronted Rosefinch (Carpodacus puniceus)
Vladimir Vulf: DSC05073
Vladimir Vulf: DSC04877
_Veit_: Home Maintenance
Iangill1948: Andean cock-of-the-Rock.
ste g: Mallard with ducklings
JApplequist: Rise And Shine
by.ujota: Huairavo, Nycticorax Nycticorax ...
by.ujota: Yal Platero, Porphyrospiza Alaudina ...
Patrick Blondel: Bihoreau gris immature - Nycticorax nycticorax - Immature black-crowned night heron
Patrick Blondel: Bihoreau gris - Nycticorax nycticorax - Black-crowned night heron
boonloke: RUFFLED (2)
boonloke: RUMPLED
boonloke: DISPLAY