Alfred J. Lockwood Photography:
Osprey on Nest at Mono Lake_H9A1982_1983_FcsStck
Ron Scubadiver's Wild Life:
Ridge and Cabin
Ron Vipond:
A Beautiful Barn Owl Out Hunting
Tom Mortenson:
Sparring Partners
Tom Mortenson:
John Deer
jacques chartier:
Bull Elk DSC_5652-2
jacques chartier:
His Lordship DSC_5744
jacques chartier:
Thanks, mom DSC_5967
Tom Mortenson:
Refreshing Pause
Deborah Freeman:
We don't often get this pov this close. Unfortunately it was at high sun... but those tail feathers are pretty beautiful.
Deborah Freeman:
Injured eagle release on little mountain.
Rick Newton:
Laval Roy abroad until Dec,04:
Danaus plexippus / Papillon Monarque / Monarch butterfly
Stefan Bock:
Ilse Wasserfälle
Alfred J. Lockwood Photography:
Storm Clearing at Mono Lake_H9A2083_2085-HDR
David Hawkins Photography:
American Oystercatcher Landing on Oyster Bar
Devill Photography:
River Otter
Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction 12.20.2020
Deborah Freeman:
Ring-necked duck, I have never been able to get this close to these ducks in a larger pond as they are pretty nervous of humans.
Brown Acres Mark:
Matt Champlin:
A Place to Disappear To