Barrie Brown CPAGB: Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) with prey (Oak Bush-cricket (Meconema thalassinum))
Eric@focus: Taraxacum officinale
natur-heimat: The Frog Spring in the Wetlands
natur-heimat: Lake Chiemsee, the beautiful
aclark1964: Redshank
anaistrepanier: Grèbe jougris (Podiceps grisegena)- red-necked grebe
eric robb niven: Kingfisher
mlachance04: Canard colvert ( Anas platyrhynchos )
donovan_terry: Lisa pauses for a moment
Ken Krach Photography: Bald Eagle at Conowingo Dam
Ken Krach Photography: Morning Mood in Maryland
Heffordphoto: Barred Owl
josepmreves: -2928116BIS Nature fusion
josepmreves: maduixa-4 WOUNDED HEART (COR FERIT)
josepmreves: DSC_2193.psd bis.jpg re.jpg-3 Papilio macaon
josepmreves: Libel-lula dragonfly
SilsonRoadrunner: Me and my shadow
magro_kr: Ul. Grodzka
Ioannis Ks: Beautiful vista
magro_kr: Niepołomice
Peter Goll Thanks for 32 Mio views: 20241123_Winterzauber_Hannberg_5960.jpg
mkeoouic16: AV3A4069_VF_DxO
Greatoutdoorman: Great perch
Donatella Basaglia: Dianthus superbus. Sentiero da Carcoforo (1304 m) al Rifugio Boffalora (1637 m) G. P. Majerna. Val d'Egua (laterale della Alta Val Sermenza). Vercelli, Piemonte, Italia.
DameBoudicca: Tracks in the snow
"santiago": Punting On The Avon.
"santiago": Mount Cook / Lake Pukaki.
Rob Tim: European Robin
Rob Tim: Reflection