deanspic: Great Black-backed Gull.
deanspic: Double Rainbow
deanspic: “Spicebush Swallowtail”
deanspic: Bourgeois Rapids Waterfall, Brownsburg, Quebec, under bridge, rapid water flow.
deanspic: Move closer here.
deanspic: Common Loon ….
deanspic: Another view in the back, close to my canoe leaving away, two close us.
deanspic: Impressive Pickerel Weed On Water Lake Louisa.
deanspic: Paddling canoe from Cottage, on Lake Louisa, Quebec. Mary in the front canoe, me in the back.
deanspic: Tiger Striped Dragonfly.
deanspic: Flesh fly, otherwise know as sweat bee !!!
deanspic: Sunset viewed again through trees on shoreline.
deanspic: HoopleBay water and less 50% clouds above today.
deanspic: HoopleBay water and almost 100% clouds, risk rain yesterday evening !!!
deanspic: Another Sunset at Long Sault Parkway.
deanspic: Monarch butterfly -Viceroy
deanspic: Sunset at Long Sault Parkway.
deanspic: Damselfly insect. Needles on green leaves.
deanspic: Mild rough water as we are canoeing on Cornwall Canal.
deanspic: This bird, Cormorant, on the water close to our canoe.
deanspic: Great Blue Heron on shoreline we photo from our canoe.
deanspic: Another view Great Blue Heron flying away, on the shoreline here again.
deanspic: Great Egret… Standing on a dead tree by the shoreline near water, HoopleBay on Long Sault.
deanspic: Canoeing on CornwallCanal, impressive shoreline, trees, and massive clouds.
deanspic: Fish under the water from the canoe neat shoreline.
deanspic: Female Monarch on swamp milkweed
deanspic: Wild Flower
deanspic: Rough water canoeing on Cornwall Canal.
deanspic: Lots clouds Cornwall will have rain soon !!!
deanspic: Another view Great Blue Heron on eating food here, on the shoreline here again.