MarjieM777: Explored September 29, 2024-Kerfuffle in the garden between a bee and butterfly.
Jose Luis Muñoz: El mas pequeño
Bonnie Moreland (free images): Sunflowers at the Packer Farm Place, Hood River, Oregon
piranhabros: Wet Feet
Paula Darwinkel: Yellow Wagtail
Jim Zenock: 204A0226_DxO
ÇhяḯṧtÖρнε: Héron pourpré - Ardea purpurea (Catalogne, Espagne) 18 mai 2023
emvri85: Manchot papou #6 [ Bleaker Island ~ Îles Falkand ]
Daniel Cadieux: Least Bittern
FotoRequest, Ontario, Canada: Indigo Bunting [Explored]
The Owl Man: Bird on a Wire (Rose-Breasted Grosbeak)
Nick288: Paruline jaune - Yellow Warbler
E_Rick1502: Wilson's Phalarope
LuciaLin: DSC_7459 黑枕藍鶲
Peter Quinn1: Gannet
Buff Spectacular: Baltimore Oriole
richard_morel: Merle bleu / Eastern Bluebird
Bill McDonald 2016: Mourning Warbler
micheledaoust: Petit-duc maculé juvénile _ Eastern Screech-Owl
bearprintsphotography: "He who wants to catch foxes must hunt with geese."
Snixy_85: Eastern Meadowlark
francois031: Grèbe à cou noir.
Chusmaki: La llegada
Carlos Alberto Arias A.: Saucerottia sacerrottei
jjarango: Chrysothlypis salmoni - Scarlet-and-white Tanager - Tangara Rojiblanca - Chococito Escarlata male 21
Luca Avanzini: Red footed falcon
Phátography 分店: Snowy egret
Alain Denis: Le Grèbe huppé - The Great Crested Grebe