☮ Montse;-)): Nuestra recompensa se encuentra en el esfuerzo y no en el resultado. Un esfuerzo total es una victoria completa. Mahatma Gandhi
marilù19: Portici - Treviso
achromaticplanet: Golden Dunes at Golden Hour
Zé Eduardo...: Norwegian fyords ...
Pere Mallada: Gegant
Jean Luc. B. on/off: Gouville sur mer .. Normandie.
Jean Luc. B. on/off: BRETAGNE Les Abers .
gilmarcil: Série 172: Père et fils (2)
Jolivillage: Nuances de bleus
jocomaflo: La flamme olympique au jardin des Tuileries - Paris
fvhome22: 336A7295 (1)
klaus.huppertz: rocky shore
Carl T Pickering: "Big Rock, Little Rocks"
hendrickx karel: DSCF5624 Gewone doodgraver (Nicrophorus vespilloides)
hendrickx karel: DSCF8266 Winterkoninkje (Troglodytes troglodytes)
majka44: winter mountains
Dirk Hessels: Mildenburg Estate, I especially like the reflection of the water.
RudyMareelPhotography: Strolling Through Santa Catarina
Bram de Jong: Intimate corner ....
PeterThoeny: Lake Mashu, where winter’s chill meets breathtaking beauty [Explore 2025-01-22 #51]
PeterThoeny: A scenic drive through the Swiss Alps and the charming Mesocco Valley
rickermstrang: Stafnesviti Lighthouse
fagniez: Talmont 2014
marko.erman: Sund panorama
degan64: Niagara
donjbenny: Sycamore Leaf & Raindrops