Michael Stolzmann: Eisvogel / Kingfisher ( Alcedo atthis )
Michael Stolzmann: Wintergoldhähnchen / Goldcrest (Regulus regulus)
Michael Stolzmann: Eisvogel / Kingfisher ( Alcedo atthis )
99tremblayh@gmail.com: Harfang des neiges (femelle)
shazl: Intense Sunrise
Thomas Vanderheyden: Dans un trou de serrure !
richard_morel: Cardinal rouge / Northern Cardinal
KahunaKen: Short-eared owl with an eye on a prize
airboy123: Great Horned Owl
Jack O'Donate: A contre-sens. / Reverse commute.
Sandra Herber: White Sands VII
SASPhotography67: Deep Forest Phantom…
Jack O'Donate: A festive balloon release...
alainfrere34: Becasseau sanderling . Calidris alba - Sanderling
alainfrere34: Becasseau variable . Calidris alpina - Dunlin
tofbuis: DSC_6151
SASPhotography67: Bear Shapes..
RKop: Green Kingfisher (M Explore, Nov 16 2024 #127)
Lloyd.Lane: Autumn at Stanmer
airboy123: Bath Time
gerbi007: Fitz Roy...
Foggy Lens-Kris Peterson: The Invasion (Explored)
A.van Lomwel: eekhoorn in herfstsetting
ianbrodie1: Aurora (Explored)
Richard Hunter ARPS: Window of Time
Gladys Klip: Wespendief / honey buzzard / bondrée apivore
Guillaume Bacciotti: dans la brume