Eggii: ***
feliksbln: kulturbeflossen ... | bakı/baku | 2406
*Darlene*: This crumbling church sits quiet now, but if you stand unmoving and silent at its open door and close your eyes and listen very intently, you can still hear its memory soaked walls sing.
4Richer: Savor Kindness
hewarnke: BF 20240712
Lara.C.: This Way Please
photoarchiv65: wenn Kinder . . .
Günther Mussel: Wände in Lima
*Darlene*: Sure, they're an unlikely pair, and she's a lot older than he is, but they say opposites attract, so if they continue to maintain contact and keep the lines of communication open I can see them being great together for a long time to come.
Fränk61: Art-chitecture - Rotterdam NL
Cornelis -traveller: surrounded by water(y)colours
andreaepstein: Checkin San Diego Airport
Lara.C.: Royal Blue
*Darlene*: Sometimes, on those idyllic days, when the warmth of the sunshine blankets you with its rays, you just need to lean back a little bit to let it all soak in.
Horst.Fischer: Kokerei Zollverein [1]
Lara.C.: Pannenhuis
Dirk Böhling: Torhaus / Gatehouse
wernerbuschette: Downstairs .....
*Darlene*: Some roads entice you, urge you to chance going, with conjured visions of the yet to be discovered that might lay at the end of them, until common sense sets in and coerces you to drive on, leaving you only to wonder.
Lara.C.: Past Times
photoarchiv65: ceiling light . . .
HWHawerkamp: Abstract Facade Compo XVIII
wernerbuschette: Eine Impression aus Salzburg
LH_LEV: a light in the dark
4Richer: Cucumber Berry
Lara.C.: Let’s Take a Closer Look
foucault.roger: In the subway
Stefan Reichert: Abstract Architectural Photography 101