New steps! :-)
Stefan Reichert:
Le noir et les couleurs 1
blue rust XX - it's cracks are numbered
Her skin's peeling, and her roof's a bit tarnished. Her trunk's unhinged, and her tires are punctured, but she reckons she's still worthy of one more double feature at the drive-in, so she's just going to loiter here until a family turns up to take her.
Eye-to-eye with the fly
When the fondness between her and the other one faded, she gained solace in the neighbor, and love blossomed where it was always meant to be.
Streetart by an unknown artist
Once a wildlife haven, but the droughts over the last few years have whittled it down to this dry and barren wasteland. How unfortunate to witness these wetlands vanishing.
Karsten Gieselmann:
Feasting on knapweed
This crumbling church sits quiet now, but if you stand unmoving and silent at its open door and close your eyes and listen very intently, you can still hear its memory soaked walls sing.
wenn Kinder . . .
Günther Mussel:
Wände in Lima
Günther Mussel:
Sure, they're an unlikely pair, and she's a lot older than he is, but they say opposites attract, so if they continue to maintain contact and keep the lines of communication open I can see them being great together for a long time to come.
Cornelis -traveller:
surrounded by water(y)colours