*Darlene*: With that impish twinkle in your eyes and that beaming smile of yours, you'd stand out in the fanciest of crowds, and I'd be proud to accompany you anywhere, if only we could go.
*Darlene*: This crumbling church sits quiet now, but if you stand unmoving and silent at its open door and close your eyes and listen very intently, you can still hear its memory soaked walls sing.
*Darlene*: Grandma's path was adorned with brightly colored dahlias, and grass so lush and thick, with not a blade out of place. The exterior was warm and welcoming, and the interior was even more so because she was there. You may not see it now, but I still do.
*Darlene*: For as long as you continue to rebel and stand your ground against those who see no value in you, I promise to continue to drop by and spend my time with you, because you've always been a favorite of mine. (EXPLORE)
*Darlene*: It's mezmerizing spots like this that stimulate all the senses and make one contemplate whether it's really all that important or essential to have to retreat back to the car, turn that key, and drive away. Can't we just stay?
*Darlene*: You're capsized and disturbed, but people change, Missy, and we no longer fit into their vision of mid century modern decor, but my corroding leg will stay closely entwined with your aging arm because you'll always be high fashion to me.
*Darlene*: Ohhh, sweet thing, even though you've chosen to belong to no one, so I know you can never be mine, you will always remain tightly tucked away in the sheltered recesses of my mind.
*Darlene*: The windmill knew that the coming winds would give it no choice but to whimper back to life, and the barn understood that the driving rains would drench him to the bone, but the skies they enjoyed before the storms blew in always made it all worth it.
*Darlene*: Whether a train ever traveled by or not, I could've stayed right here for a very long time to look upon this piece of earth and then just a while longer to look a little bit more.
*Darlene*: I used to go everywhere with you until I got too old to take you there, but my affectionate recollections continue to live within me.
*Darlene*: It's so irritating to be given unsolicited direction. ⬅️THIS WAY➡️ does not tickle my fancy. My own way, and straight through that fence, would be perfect, though.
*Darlene*: Sometimes, when you ask them to smile..., they will, and sometimes they just look at you and laugh. (EXPLORE)
*Darlene*: The road's in no better shape than the homestead it leads to, but that's okay, I'm not opposed to walking in to visit the riches that crumble at the end of it.
*Darlene*: They never came back like he heard them promise, but he still waits...
*Darlene*: Sure, they're an unlikely pair, and she's a lot older than he is, but they say opposites attract, so if they continue to maintain contact and keep the lines of communication open I can see them being great together for a long time to come.
*Darlene*: It's simply lovely when the lake turns to glass, and the pristine imitation of whatever lays along its edge just makes it doubly magestic.
*Darlene*: Placidly waiting for a fairy tale to come and claim her so her legend can come to life for the imagining minds of the many children that will then delight in the enchanting myth of her.
*Darlene*: Sometimes, on those idyllic days, when the warmth of the sunshine blankets you with its rays, you just need to lean back a little bit to let it all soak in.
*Darlene*: Recently converted to a one story bungalow, this lovely country home boasts a large picture window overlooking magestic landscapes and open air living with skylights throughout. Only those under 5' in height need apply. (EXPLORE)
*Darlene*: From fear and anticipation to joy and delight, the gamut of emotions experienced in the few seconds it took to climb that ladder always remained just as powerful no matter how many trips were made.
*Darlene*: She holds so many clues in regards to the man that drove her, and when I inquired about him, she whispered that a girl never tells, so with due respect, I took my photo and let her be with her fading memories of their precious time together.
*Darlene*: The farmer knew these two had always been inseparable, so with gratitude in his heart for a job well done, he allowed them to stay that way now through retirement, and to me, they appear to be eternally indebted to him for his respectful recognition.
*Darlene*: I know that you all feel dejected and unwanted, but try to understand just how much you're still cherished by the ones that search for you with the aspiration of capturing your resilient charm.
*Darlene*: Hurry up and take your shot! I've got a date waiting in the next valley over, and I fought through a lot of horns to grab her attention, but she's definitely worth the migrane I received to get her.
*Darlene*: He couldn't bring himself to turn back to close the gate behind him for the final time because for him, it would've just cemented the picture in his mind that it was truly over.
*Darlene*: If I could take you home with me, I would, but how could I ever pull you away from such a captivating view as this, and still feel content that you were mine.
*Darlene*: She was such a charming farmstead until loneliness crept into her heart and eventually just giving in to the grief of it all, she let herself go, not realizing that I still loved her. (EXPLORE)
*Darlene*: Some roads entice you, urge you to chance going, with conjured visions of the yet to be discovered that might lay at the end of them, until common sense sets in and coerces you to drive on, leaving you only to wonder.
*Darlene*: Just a slight touch of green returns, and in time this forest will once again be as it was, but until then, for me, it's wonder and beauty still shines brilliant.
*Darlene*: This wandering fellow made it to within mere inches of reaching his floating freedom before he ran out of wind. Now he's just left with the scent of the closeness of it.