maragiacobbi: DSC_1108autunno
kiradu: Schloss Strünkede, Herne, Germany
kiradu: Hanoi, Vietnam
natureuberalles: A lucky find
oʇ[◎]ɥd | ʍɟɐ: Stauwehr Dogern - explored
bkellerstrass: wanderer überm nebelmeer
bkellerstrass: brandung
blavandmaster: October vibes
Clém VDB: N°411
Clém VDB: La Course Contre Jour
Clém VDB: Enchantée
hansueli.frieden: Schaffhausen old town
Julian Munilla Rio: Mito IMG_1977
oknksrr: less freedom longer life
oknksrr: If women smile, the world smiles.
oknksrr: cute kitty
oknksrr: The Strolling Cat
Yasu Torigoe: Univ. of Amsterdam seen from Oudezijds Voorburgwal. 427a
adenkis: resinous scent of a pine forest
CARLA Paterni: Sunrise...
Yasu Torigoe: Central Amsterdam with canal and street. 425a
Joe Effendi (Always Late!): "When mountains crumble to the sea"
Joe Effendi (Always Late!): "The future's not ours to see"
ricardolujua: Castro sol al amanecer entre nubes .
Jorge Cortes Mx: Canela Explore!
lisacolemanphotography: The moment when he laid eyes on me …
Howard Pratt: Combestone Tor Sunrise
jerryms: Morning Bath