artbetweenthelenses: Das lange Warten ... die BVG
artbetweenthelenses: Ein Döner ohne Soße bitte...
artbetweenthelenses: The Sixties Diner
artbetweenthelenses: In passing...
artbetweenthelenses: Fleeting Moments – Motion Meets Indulgence
artbetweenthelenses: Café Cinema
artbetweenthelenses: Frankfurter Allgemeine
artbetweenthelenses: Café Europa 2.0
artbetweenthelenses: Café Europa. 1.0
artbetweenthelenses: Im Bann der Reflexion - Under the spell of reflection - 反省の魔法にかけられて
artbetweenthelenses: Der letzte Wächter am Ufer - The last guardian on the shore - 海岸の最後の守護者
artbetweenthelenses: Momente der Überraschung - Moments of surprise - 驚きの瞬間
artbetweenthelenses: Lichtspiele der Dämmerung - The play of light at dusk - 夕暮れの光の戯れ
artbetweenthelenses: Verborgene Horizonte - Hidden horizons - 隠された地平線
artbetweenthelenses: Glanz der Stille - Brilliance of silence -
artbetweenthelenses: Wo der Winter atmet - Where winter breathes - 冬の息づく場所
artbetweenthelenses: Spiegel der Stille - Mirror of Silence - 沈黙の鏡
artbetweenthelenses: Stille des Morgens - Silence of the morning - 朝の静寂
artbetweenthelenses: Die Dämmerung naht - Dawn is approaching - 夜明けが近づいている
artbetweenthelenses: Ein Spiel des Nebels - A game of fog - 霧のゲーム
artbetweenthelenses: Ein Fenster zu Großstadt - A window to the big city -大都会への窓 - 通往大城市的窗口
artbetweenthelenses: Urbaner Kontrast - Urban contrast - 都市のコントラスト
artbetweenthelenses: Durch die Nacht gezogen
artbetweenthelenses: Einfach Berlin ...
artbetweenthelenses: The fisherman
artbetweenthelenses: In the mirror of the Alps
artbetweenthelenses: Between heaven and earth - A light in the dark
artbetweenthelenses: Festung Marienberg in der Goldenen Stunde
artbetweenthelenses: The golden afternoon ...
artbetweenthelenses: Reflecting calm in winter