Jowl Bakker: merlin
Quang An: Golden Eagle
fifty3_photography: A mouth full
fifty3_photography: Bobcat airborne
dwb838: Barred Owl-taking a look
E_Rick1502: Say's Phoebe
ronald groenendijk: R24_5299-NR-2
bcbirdergirl: Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) - BC
SASPhotography67: Snow-capped… ❄️❄️❄️
mclcbooks: Cheetah
Tim Melling: Bear in the air
Kevin James54: Anhinga
Kevin James54: Anhinga
Shane Jones: Grey wagtail
BN Singh: Indigo Bunting Blue Jay Fight
Eric Gofreed: Maroon-bellied Parakeet
SASPhotography67: Fall Flurries…
dwb838: Barred Owl amongst some fall colours
ken.helal: This Is My Better Side
tmeallen: Arctic fox with mouse in mouth
Stefan Schlegl: Rotmilan / Red Kite / Milvus milvus
Stefan Schlegl: Azara-Kapuzineraffe / Azara´s Capuchin / Sapajus cay / Macaco-prego-de-azara
dwb838: Barred Owl Mandarin Duck 1331
Susan Roehl: A Family Gathering Of Verreaux's Sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi)
FotoRequest, Ontario, Canada: Southern Screamer
lime1957: Brown-hooded Parrot