tmeallen: Glasgow Cathedral interior
tmeallen: The Neolithic site of Sara Brae
tmeallen: Ruins of Calda House
tmeallen: All that remains
tmeallen: Mountains, wildflowers and ruins
tmeallen: Ardvreck castle ruins
tmeallen: Assynt viewpoint
tmeallen: Heilan coo in a pasture
tmeallen: Dunnet Head, Scotland
tmeallen: Ring of Brogdar
tmeallen: The chase
tmeallen: Airborne
tmeallen: Orkney ewe and lambs, Clestrain
tmeallen: The view from the Hall of Clestrain
tmeallen: Birthplace of Dr. John Rae, Arctic explorer
tmeallen: Crofts ruins and RNAS Twatt
tmeallen: Norse settlement, Brough of Birsay
tmeallen: Brough of Birsay
tmeallen: Good Earl, bad Earls
tmeallen: St Magnus Church, Birsay
tmeallen: The nasty Earls of Orkney
tmeallen: Barred hen, Orkney
tmeallen: Scalloway castle ruins
tmeallen: Churchill Barriers and Scapa Flow
tmeallen: The Italian Chapel, interior
tmeallen: The Italian Chapel
tmeallen: Windblown pony in buttercups
tmeallen: Croft House interior
tmeallen: Shetland croft house
tmeallen: Jarlshoff prehistoric site and Old House