Fnikos: In the shadows
Julian Munilla Rio: Pato muscovy _MG_7593
jeffr71: Dew it
Andrea Moscato: Belfast (Northern Ireland)
4000000 views!: Butterfly 2107 (Iphiclides podalirius)
Ghada Elchazly: The nile
Ghada Elchazly: Khanom temple
Ghada Elchazly: Khanom temple
Lens and Shutter: The blooming Magnolia trees of springtime.
Fnikos: A flamingo island
Lens and Shutter: inside the woods.
Lens and Shutter: A tunnel like walkway inside a heritage train station.
U.Schweizer: Wildpark Johannismühle
parmrussrap: West-bound Ross's Geese
ʘᴸᴴᴼ ᴅᴱ Hᴼᴿᵁs: Tucano-Toco (Ramphastos Toco)
rvk82: Birds of Prey, Warwick Castle, England
A. Bukhari: Macaw
Iván Caramelo: Gorrión
Iván Caramelo: Amanecer
Iván Caramelo: Ojo de Caramelo
Iván Caramelo: Hoja de Agabe
Iván Caramelo: Flor de la pasión
4000000 views!: Champex-Lac
4000000 views!: Butterfly 2012 (Melanargia galathea)