farrellito: Scan of Filmstrip
rickwil64: Losing The War_B&W
NW Vagabond: The Stare
Patinagal: elevator
KPortin: Fish Rocks
jciv: Selectric II Element - 3D Stereo Pair
Gordon Hunter: Baby Blue
skipmoore: Oak Scatter
ajpscs: 渋谷スクランブル交差
garshna: Low and Slow
Mr. Greenjeans: old friends dialing daemons
rickwil64: Losing Shingles_B&W
oldogs: Farmers Elevator
Patinagal: watch Nunn grow
al-ien: growth...
Martin Smith - Having the Time of my Life: Richmon Bridga, Tasmania, Autralia
Anvilcloud: Still Standing
rickwil64: Down In The Gulley_B&W
Bluesrose: we are being watched
Karol Franks: Miss Luna Tuna soaking up sunshine
Don Delaney: Great Gray Owl
TooLoose-LeTrek: reflecting on the lightness of being
rickwil64: They Will All Fall Down_B&W