didier.michelle.ferrand: Abbaye de Fontevraud
baechli58: 5 points Ram
abiseka: Lazy gato
didier.michelle.ferrand: Abbaye de Fontevraud
Julian Munilla Rio: Alcatraz joven Burela 2016 124
Glyn Bowman: Kingfisher looking around.-3
Ed Rizer: PIRATIC FLYCATCHER - Tuesday's Oldie Goldie - The Beauty Of God's Creation at Fort DeSoto Park near Saint Petersburg Florida USA 4/13/24
abiseka: Natura 1600 film simulation
Rodrigo Conte: Vermilion Flycatcher (Pyrocephalus rubinus), male
Jambo Jambo: Passeggiata di famiglia - Family walk
Jambo Jambo: Il cercatore d'oro - The gold digger
Longleaf.Photography: Maligne River
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): Leica workshop in New York
MedicineMan4040: Hard drive clean up #204
Ramalakshmi Rajan: "Lonely is not being alone, it's the feeling that no-one cares."
cliveswildshots: Little Owl,UK.
Bill McDonald 2016: Brown Thrasher surveying the area!
rumerbob: Tricolored Heron.
Luke Agbaimoni (last rounds): Cock Waits at Cockfosters
Luke Agbaimoni (last rounds): Please Stand On The Right - Colliers Wood
Rodrigo Conte: Crested Caracara (Caracara plancus), juvenile
judi may: Halfway there...
judi may: The twins booked a trip to the seaside
MedicineMan4040: Poof liked this crop better
Rodrigo Conte: Sanderling (Calidris alba)
Rodrigo Conte: Semipalmated Sandpiper (Calidris pusilla)
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Glossy Ibis
Luke Agbaimoni (last rounds): DLR Train - View From The Cable Cars