Wildonline.blog: Brown Rat
sniggie: Daniel raised his arms and shouted: 'Kentucky's waiting on the other side'
PeterThoeny: Alien invasion approaching overhead
lynneberry57: FREEZE FRAME
Maierpic: Contrasts. Morocco. (explored)
danniepolley: San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua
olivier.muriset: De tenebris ad lucem
G.Masserano: Nebbie d'autunno
Ralf Muennich: Ceiling XVI
Jan van der Wolf: Beach hut in Cayeux (on Explore)
~LiliAnn~: Orange& Blue
hespasoft: Heidelberg
carta.manuel: A day in Matera
Samarrakaton: Puertas y ventanas
g.efthymiadis: Haltern am See…* EXPLORED
SM Tham: a strange plant
Martin Bärtges: Nine buttons - My entry for todays "Looking close... on Friday!" theme "Buttons"
Northern_Nights: Whale's Mouth_A (Explored)
hans pohl: Povoação
eric_fotografie: Een kat als kunstwerk ... Explored ...
Woven Eye: • Gas boosters sub station [permafrost thawing]
Bervaz: Prinsengracht - Brouwersgracht (Explored)
Cole Chase Photography: Iowa Rolling Autumn Mist
visol: Salines d'Añana (Àlaba) Explore 29/10/2021
FButzi: wicked game
Thomas Mulchi: Old Delhi – An ox and a man (Explored)
Rob Oo: Allround
Alex Roukis: American Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon)