sbuckinghamnj: Ochre-faced Tody-flycatcher
miketrdunn: Ferruginous Hawk-330
sbuckinghamnj: Scarlet-bellied Mountain-tanager
sbuckinghamnj: Erateina siliquata (moth) - in the US, most moths are some shade of white, brown or gray. In Peru the moths can be as colorful as the butterflies.
sbuckinghamnj: Scarlet-bellied Mountain-tanager
sbuckinghamnj: Chestnut-sided Penguin? The pose of this little warbler reminded me of a penguin.
tylermonachino: Krefft's glider (Petaurus notatus)
sbuckinghamnj: Blackburnian Warbler
dbifulco: Beetle-toss
dbifulco: Out of Africa
dbifulco: Cheetah
dbifulco: Blacksmith Lapwing
piet vanneste: Sandqvist 169 - Circinus-W
dbifulco: White-backed Vulture
dbifulco: Eyelash Pit Palm Viper - Yellow
sbuckinghamnj: Peregrine Falcon
Gord Sawyer: Canadian Lynx
sbuckinghamnj: Thick-billed Euphonia
DocRX: B33 The Horsehead Nebula
gaetdi: Chouette épervière Northern Hawk Owl - Surnia ulula.
KenzoPan: A few more shorties
Vladimir Vulf: DSC05717
Claire Dumont et Pierre Rainville: Chouette épervière / Northern Hawk Owl / (Surnia ulula)
sbuckinghamnj: Fork-tailed Flycatcher
sbuckinghamnj: Barred Antshrike
Frank Portillo: Desert Massasauga
sbuckinghamnj: Singing Quail (Mexican endemic)
sbuckinghamnj: Yellow-winged Tanager
sbuckinghamnj: Belted Flycatcher (Mexican endemic)
marneejill: pretty on the rocks