www.jmcougourdan.com: Blue Hour, Valencia
Tim Stearns: Arboreal nerve center
AlanHowe :): Eyes in the fence.
Edinei Matos: Mariana - Minas Gerais
Armin Fuchs: Jealousie
dyslexsyk: whole foods
thierry.loth1: b&wdxoP4290644
RoguePano: “Red Lake Skaters”
B Max Dixon: IMG_3059
B Max Dixon: IMG_2287
Gloria. G: Inextricable
Pomo photos: paint abstract #9
Mihai F.: Where the wild things are
Blende1.8: just lines and shadows
Pomo photos: silhouette
Jon Dev: Sunlight and shadow: stairway with red railings
lillemets: 201801141305_DSCF9006
lillemets: 201801141258_DSCF8993
sensdessusdessous: Light and shadow
dyslexsyk: photos : photos
dyslexsyk: on : no
dyslexsyk: Road Paint