Francisco Pérez Peraile: Colores de Otoño
Kaptured by Kala: Phaon Crescent
M. Iglesias: Autumn Road
Raúl García Navarro: El mundo insomne "Perdida de tiempo"
R. HARRISPIC'S: Mmm Milkweed
Stéphane Champaloux: Les compères
WickedIllusion: Blue Love-in-a-mist
ysephotos: le pigeon au mirroir
Photos By JM: In The Spotlight
atone13: Flower-buds, contre-jour.
hiromakuharisato: Flower chafer
Steve_Waddingham: Getting To Grips
EFD-fotolab: Abeja en vuelo.
Omnitrigger: Can You See Me
Doug Lambert: Maquoketa, Iowa June 27, 2020
Fotocollectief 2020: Paddling at sunset
rgheai: DSC_9471-Modifier
tbnate: Beautifully stranded
Peter Simpson: Wood Duck - Canard branchu
chris.tangey: Riding high
Antonio Lorenzo Terrés: Cigüeñuela común
Maria Echaniz: Reaching
Gift of Light: Illumination
el_farero: Bosques de España
Achim Thomae Photography: Spiral Staircase
geelog: Merlin (Falco columbarius)
Raúl García Navarro: "La pequeña saltarina"#yomequedoencasa