karindebruin: Celebration!
melli.leuth: If people asked themselves more often: "How would I feel about that?" there would be much less pain, disappointment and more understanding!
cheryl.rose83: Winter color
karindebruin: Meeting Florine!
gonanocaterina: Les platanes
rrlammas: Facing It
hjuengst: Fischleintal im Naturpark Drei Zinnen
andrewpmorse: Megalodon
BlueberryAsh: And I Would Walk One Hundred Miles Scotland Z62_7721
karindebruin: Candy Colors!
marylee.agnew: We Are All Related
Peter Quinn1: Misty Sunrise on Higger Tor
midlands_night_sky: Kynance Cove Aurora
Jo Evans - off and on for a while: Sunset over Nash Point
cliveg004: Sunrise over Applecross
Katherine Fotheringham: The Great Stone Chute
cliveg004: Happy New Year!
joachim hingler: The Red shutter (Serie Red is the color)
cheryl.rose83: Winterberry lunch
Jo Evans - off and on for a while: Walking on Water! - HSS
Ettore Guarnaroli: First light of dawn on the swamp
Brian + H & H: Get In There
karindebruin: Dutch Littoral!
Lucie van Dongen: Alpes Maritimes_
Carmen Martínez Ortega: Playa del Zapillo, Almería
BlueberryAsh: Brooding Old Man Z62_7359