rumerbob: Bald Eagle.
stanlupo (Thanks for 6,000,000 views): Baltimore Oriole 2 5_22_23
davidrosenthal2: 2383 (2)
rumerbob: Orchid Purple Yellow Pink.
Eric_Z: Goldfinch, Male
davidrosenthal2: 9Z4A0742b
davidrosenthal2: 9Z4A0902-Edit
ronzigler: Emerging Fall Color on Hamilton Reservoir _MG_5196
Kevin E. Fox: Belted Kingfisher
Fred Roe: Neighborly dispute
jwfuqua-photography: Rough-winged Swallow
Kevin James54: Black-crowned Night-heron
Fred Roe: The truth about chem trails
stanlupo (Thanks for 6,000,000 views): “We’re Mad As Hell And We’re Not Going To Take It Anymore!”
lfalterbauer: 2I1A2455a
lfalterbauer: 2I1A0827a
Kevin James54: Green Heron
Kevin James54: D85_4482-EditWeb
Kevin E. Fox: Breakfast time with the Yellow-Crowns
Kevin E. Fox: Prothonotary Warbler
Kevin E. Fox: Wood Duck Family (Explored, thank you very much)
rumerbob: Pileated Woodpecker
rumerbob: Carp Jumping.
Kevin E. Fox: American Coot (Very Distant shot)
rumerbob: Bald Eagle Adult.
billbigfish: Male American Kestrel
Kevin E. Fox: Red-Tailed Hawk?