_LABEL_3: spread your wings
JM@MC: follow the lights
JM@MC: 10s of Marseille
vedebe: La solitude de la bicyclette... / The bicycle loneliness...
_LABEL_3: Toskana
Christian ±π: peek-a-boo
JossieK: a little blue
vedebe: Le retour de l'homme sans visage.... / The faceless man is back...
AndyW Harz: Kurz nach dem ersten Hahnenschrei
Deborah Freeman: Landscape photography is not something I do a lot of as I tend to prefer the particular in a subject but vastness is another area of exploration.
Christian ±π: Käferchen
vedebe: Qui sera le plus fort? / Who will be the strongest?
Nils Hempel | Photography: ɑ new dɑy on eɑrth
AndyW Harz: Hoher Kleef
JossieK: tenacity
JM@MC: Macro day
vedebe: Le coin des pêcheurs / The fishermen place (Explore)
JM@MC: macro story
Transcendent Clicks: Northern Flicker - Flight Sequence
Richard Hunter ARPS: Natures poetry
MarkWaidson: Close Encounter
Jacques A. Lech: Howling Winds of Winter
PrevailingConditions: Pt. Reyes Sunset
WilliamND4: Up Ahead in the Distance
Deborah Freeman: Harsh light for most pictures but this Anna's sure lit up, no added saturation. I figure he is going for the gusto in attracting a female.
vedebe: La traversée du plafond / Through the ceiling... (Explore)
epemsl: Fassade Museum Brandhorst
JM@MC: RDV au bateau ivre
Mireia B. L.: When winter already stars caressing our autumn// Cuando el invierno ya empieza a acariciar nuestro otoño