A.G. Photographe: From the top
A.G. Photographe: Pollution
A.G. Photographe: From Parc Monceau
A.G. Photographe: Snow in Paris
A.G. Photographe: Trocadéro
Beth Wode Photography: Canoeing at Sunrise
ken.helal: Bald Eagle Nabs a Salmon
Thy Photography: Barn Owl
Giovanni Piero Pellegrini: Sera in Piazza Santo Stefano
Michel Coutty: DSC_0319 F
Jacques Rollet ( Failing health! ): PATAGONIA - The whale wants to capture the bird !?
nepama: employed
Julianoz Photographies: Renommée de la Guerre (1897/1900) Clément Steiner (1853-1899) Rive gauche, aval
Julianoz Photographies: Auto-Portrait sur les toits de Paris
Julianoz Photographies: Sunset entre Tour Eiffel et Sainte Clotilde
Rémi Marchand: Un classique
ken.helal: Osprey Stretch
A.G. Photographe: Full moon 05-05-2020
A.G. Photographe: Crescent moon
lfeng1014: Hungarian Parliament at Blue Hour
A.G. Photographe: From the top
macdelou: etang camargue 165-
lfeng1014: Charles Bridge at Night
lizcaldwell72: An evening at the pier
Beth Wode Photography: Sunset Reflections
DanielKHC: Serenity Now
domingo leiva: Panoramica de Albarracin, Teruel, Aragón