pbrdxiuz76: Beautiful blue sky back for awhile!
tendresse28: Gerbera
tendresse28: Hemerocalle
Chrissie2003: Sunflower
Parapan: Great Crested Grebe with Chick 026A4014.jpg
ThorpeMarshman: Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager (Anisognathus igniventris)
DonCoombez: The wonderful woods
sambirder06: Northern Cardinal
adamrainoff: Great Potoo
beauceronnier: Geai des chênes - Garrulus glandarius
Verde River: DSCF9877
Michael W. Potter: Northern Cardinal male
donovan_terry: "Jack hear brushing"
donovan_terry: Hey there, Linus!
Chrissie2003: Cosmos
GoodLifeErik: A Celeirós Vineyard
GoodLifeErik: Grapes on the Vine
GoodLifeErik: Barrel Room of Quinta do Beijo
zimmek42: I was sleeping
photoangel55: P1480274
donovan_terry: Beacon Hill from Cambridge
donovan_terry: "Best of All Possible Worlds"
Viv.....: My Kenya safari - Herd of wild female Impalas on lookout at water hole at Masai Mara. Some are pregnant. Uncropped image
FinouCat: Napping
FinouCat: Napping
FinouCat: Napping
FinouCat: Napping
FinouCat: Napping
FinouCat: Playing