Eric Gofreed: Hooded oriole - female
<Hana>: blueberry flowers
Sylvie.M - Merci à tous !: L'eau, la lumière
Stu Patterson: The Shortest Day
Thomas Vanderheyden: La grandeur de l'âme
<Hana>: 4. Echinacea ‘Sensation Pink’
Andrea Moscato: Archivo General de Indias - Sevilla (España)
RemusMoise: Mycenas
Dhina A: Colourful leaves
<Hana>: 441. shasta daisy (from the back side)
pedro lastra: Yellow-throated Warbler at Green Cay.
China (Jiangsu Taizhou): The red-billed blue magpie (Urocissa erythroryncha)
pedro lastra: Juvenile Painted Bunting, Green Cay Nature Preserve.
Michel Larreguy: MLA_3783
<Hana>: 102. coral bells (re-do)
<Hana>: 428. Stargazer Oriental Lily
<Hana>: 426. Gaillardia × grandiflora Mesa™ ‘Red’
<Hana>: 425. Pentas Glitterati purple star
c.bekaert: hibou des marais
Eric Gofreed: Raccoon-06206
Stu Patterson: Shallow Delusion
fungiphotoholic: Fliegenpilz
DanielKHC: Mobile Phones Have Come A Long Way (2)
pedro lastra: Rose Gold Smile. Roseate Spoonbill welcomes the sunset at Fort de Soto.
pedro lastra: Great Blue Heron and fish, Wakodahatchee Wetlands.
Eric Gofreed: Spectacled Parrotlet
salihseviner: samba..
<Hana>: 360. White Hydrangea
Dhina A: cosmos
laurent fiol: Perché